We quickly got ourselves all ready, then jumped in the van to make our drive to the Massachusetts coast. I think the adults were all looking forward to some delicious seafood, while Makenna was probably just looking forward to some good naptime in the car!
We wound our way through Essex first and took in some of the sights, then made our way into Gloucester and parked to walk around. The weather was pretty chilly and windy, so we bundled Toots up as best we could to keep her nice and warm.

The only problem with that was that she absolutely did NOT want to wear her socks! Under no circumstances! Every chance she got, she was pulling them off of her feet and either chewing on them or dropping them to the ground. That whole day, we got The Look from so many people, who were clearly thinking, "They need to put some SOCKS on that poor baby!"
Oh, believe me. WE TRIED. She is about as stubborn as they come!
After Gloucester, we drove in to Rockport and were ready to stop for some lunch. Ellen's Harborside was the perfect spot, with THE BEST (and I mean BEST) clam chowder I have ever tasted. There, Makenna got her first introduction to fish. Great Grampy kept sneaking her small pieces of his haddock, and she was practically climbing onto the table to get more. She LOVED it!
We walked down Bearskin Neck and looked out onto the water for a little while, watching the waves crash onto the rocks. It was a beautiful setting, and we could have stayed all day!
Quick stop for some saltwater taffy and fudge, then back in the car, and we were off to Salem!
I have to admit - we visited Salem pretty much just for me. I was dying to see the city all decked out for Halloween, and it did not disappoint! There was a great little street fair, with lots of...ahem...interesting people, all dressed up for the holiday.
We picked up a cute little button for Makenna,
checked out some "witches," (with which she CLEARLY was not impressed),
and got some sweet little shots of her in her Halloween finest.
When it was time to head home, she was wiped out!
Luckily, not so wiped out that she couldn't squeeze in a quick visit with cousin Julie and Uncle Mark before heading off to Sleepy Town.
We had just one more full day left, and she would be meeting the whole rest of the family, so she needed her beauty rest!
Up next: The Final Chapter!
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