Yes, you read that correctly. But no, she isn't moving to another house, another town, another state. Of course she isn't! She moved across our (rather small) sleep in her crib.
I know exactly what some of you are thinking. BIG DEAL, CRAZY LADY. Well, in this household, it IS a big deal. I doubt it is any huge secret that I might be a slightly clingy first-time mom. I just like knowing that she is right there, and I can just look over and see how she is doing at any time, or take care of anything she needs.
Until yesterday, Makenna has been sleeping in her bassinet. We gradually moved her from the guest room, where we slept the first few weeks, back to our room, with her at the foot of our bed. I loved having her in there with us so that I could get up and take care of her immediately, whenever she needed it.
Unfortunately, Daddy has a VERY difficult time sleeping when Little Miss Fidgety gets going, so he was not getting a whole lot of rest. I REALLY didn't want to move her out of our room because I was nervous that we wouldn't be able to hear her if she got upset. (As if...this house ain't that big, folks.) A couple of weeks ago, Chad convinced me that moving the bassinet just outside our door, to the living room, would be okay. He promised me that we would still be able to hear her just fine. And of course, he was right. And we all slept better!
Our little one is now getting so big, however, that her bassinet just isn't cutting it anymore. She likes to stretch out in all directions when she sleeps, arms straight out to either side, and she just doesn't have the room she needs to do that. I can't believe she is already that big! *sniff* So we made the decision that, starting this week, we would have her sleep in her room, in her crib. We have two baby monitors, so we are set there. **Let me just say that this mommy is NOT a fan of the baby monitor. (Yes, I have seen one too many scary movies...and those things are NEVER come to any good in Scary Movie Land.)** And I KNOW it is way past time to start getting her into a bedtime routine. We both know this, and we WANT to do it. We just...haven't. I know, I know. Bad mommy!
So yesterday evening, I took all of the stuffed animals out of the crib to get it all ready. It looked rather lonely and sad, and putting her in it didn't help much. That crib just SWALLOWS her! But last night, put her in it we did. For at least the first 30 minutes, I kept thinking I was hearing her fuss or squirm, but every time I checked, she was still conked out. She slept eight hours, and we got some great rest ourselves. I guess having her sleep in the crib isn't the WORST idea after all!
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