Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Introducing the Young Mr. M - Part Two

Just before midnight, on a breezy and beautiful March 14th night, Luca Logan made his debut. We had been prepared for a MUCH longer night of laboring, but that didn't mean we were any less tired after all of the excitement! Once the doctors were through with the weighing and measuring and wiping down and diapering, he was returned to my arms to get in his first good feeding.  And he ate.  And ate.  And ate.  While he gorged himself, Daddy made the requisite announcement phone calls (yes, even after midnight!) and let the patiently waiting grandparents know that he had arrived and that we were all doing great. 

Once Luca had eaten his fill, his adoring grandparents came in to shower him with kisses. We even FaceTimed in Uncle Colin, all the way from Florida, to watch his nephew's first bath. We were all exhausted, but that sweet baby was too much to resist. He let everyone cuddle him and pass him around until it was clearly time for us all to get some rest. By around 6:00 a.m., we had been moved to our new room and settled in to try to sleep. My hubby, recalling his uncomfortable sleeping situation when Tootie was born, brought himself an air mattress. The nurses all thought it was pretty genius.

There are no words to describe the feeling as we settled down to rest after welcoming our sweet son to the world. We were exhausted but so incredibly happy. He was perfect, and precious, and beautiful. (His Daddy would tell me I'm not allowed to call him beautiful, but you know what? He WAS.)  

The Chunkamunk Sleeps

After a bit of rest, we were able to get up and start our first day with our sweet son with full, thankful hearts. We were so blessed.