About 45 minutes ago, I was rocking Toots in her room, putting her to bed for the night. She was peacefully sipping on her milk, occasionally stopping to whisper, "Niiight niiiight." Suddenly, she put her cup to the side and squirmed around so that her sweet little head was on my shoulder. I patted her back and gave her a little smooch on the cheek. And she bit me. On the shoulder. HARD. It STILL stings.
My gut reaction was, "@#(*@$, that HURT!!!" What I SAID was, "Makenna!!! We don't bite!!" But poor baby girl is teething something awful right now, and unfortunately, biting is exactly what she does. As frustrated as I was with my little vampire, I couldn't help but get a little teary. (And no, not because of the pain.)
It seems like the last few weeks, I've heard so many sad stories. So many parents out there who are suffering because their sweet little children are sick, in pain, or even dying. And so many children whose parents are sick, or can't hold them, or who are losing parents when they are still so young. It hurts my heart beyond belief to even try to imagine what they are going through. I can't even fathom it and can only pray that I never have to experience it myself. It has made me realize how incredibly thankful I am that God has blessed us with this beautiful, precious little miracle we call our daughter. All of the hair-pulling, shoulder-biting, eye-poking, teething-tears and screaming in the world could never make me forget how much I love her. But some days, I forget to say a little thank you to the One who made her and trusted me...ME...to be her Mommy.
Today is NOT one of those days. Dear Lord, thank you for our sweet baby angel. I promise to hug her tightly every chance I get, tell her I love her every day, laugh when she laughs, wipe away her tears when she cries, soothe her when she's sick, help her learn, help her grow, help her play, help her pray, and the million other little things that I dream of doing for her as she grows up. And most importantly, I promise to help her understand how much You love her and how thankful we are that You created us and this beautiful family. AMEN.